Mankind has this hunger to
know everything, alright! But aren't we all, at the same time, in search of
unfathomable, Incredible? Once you reach that unfathomable, a new search for
the 'incredible' begins. And the journey of life and exploration and evolution
continues. So Asus 'In Search of Incredible' Zenphone has already come up with
#INCREDIBLEZEN ASUS 4, 5 and 6-Inch Android phones - the phones with some
superpowers - what fun is it imagining your phone with some incredible super
powers! AsusZenphone is a product to enhance your style
quotient, fun quotient, smartness quotient and bring the best of technology at
your fingertips. Taking inspiration from the incredible superpowers of Asus
Zenphone, I can't help but think, dream of my phone having some extraordinary
abilities towards spreading happiness -truly a Zen phone, things that none of
the available smart phones ever thought of.
See what others can't see
a phone which completes your basic human need. Hunger, love, make way - there
is yet another basic human need that complements our personality - the desire
for 'Compliments'. I would definitely like my phone to have this super power -
to see what others can't see - the innate goodness inherent in every human
being, though lying latent. A phone which compliments you on your external and
internal beauty every time you look at it. It can tell you whats wrong and
where and you can fix it in a jiffy. What fun, isn't it? Our mobile phone is
our constant companion these days, accompanies us wherever we go, it better be
able to see what others can't see. Anyways, we look at it more times in a
day than we look at the looking glass. When you look good, you feel good too;
it boosts your confidence, and makes your day. It works well as a positive
reinforcement for our personality and outlook. And who's better to do this job
than your 'technological better half', with whom you spend more time than your
better half. Afterall, according to 2013 Cell Phone Statistics, 29% of
users described their phone as something they can't live without.
Do what others can't do
A study says, women talk almost three times as much as
men. According to WHO obesity statistics, in all WHO regions, women were more
likely to be obese than men. Phew! No, I definitely don't want my Smart phone
to be able to collect this kind of data for me. What I am trying to drive home
is another extraordinary ability of my 'super-powered' phone - one that could
be a boon for all women! I would want my phone to have the superpower of - hold
your breath - triggering weightloss! Do what others can't do! The more you talk
on the phone, the more weight you'll lose. How cool is that! Women are the
worst sufferers when it comes to weight-gain and women love to talk a lot too.
So the much desired equilibrium could be achieved and maintained if all that
talking could make me and all lose something undesirable and gain the
appreciation in the process. Now this superpower will definitely be a
first for a phone. And thats what I call a Smartphone in the true sense. Just
imagine the advertisement of my phone showing ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of
happy people. It will always be a ‘sold out’. Happy vendors, happy customers!
Feel what others can't feel
you the one who has an amazing record of losing phones that none can beat? Are
you the one fumbling with your stuff many times during the day trying to locate
your phone, simply put, a li’l forgetful when it comes to your phone? Or
suffering from that paranoia that you have lost your phone or are about to lose
it, or you have lost it? If yes, then my ‘super-powered phone’ is out there as
a ‘messiah’ for you all. A smart phone which has the extraordinary ability to
feel what others can’t feel – your presence! Touch therapy with a twist – oh
actually, from a distance! Swipe. Touch. Expand. No need to go close and harm
your body. The phone sends out vibes so that you can locate it, anytime, every
time. Talk and play without worrying about losing it! I have seen so may people
fretting over it that I ‘feel’ for it. You’ll be connected almost all the time
– that’s some powerful, superrr power that I would want my phone to have.
Images : Google Images
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