Thursday 17 April 2014

An Ode to the Queen's land

As I read
I always dreamt
of beautiful meadows,
with a lonely lass,
where daffodils bloomed 
and made a wordsmith
of an ordinary Wordsworth.
Idyllic life of Hardy’s Wessex
Partly real, partly dream country,
Of mansions like Mansfield Park,
With long parks and huge gates,
Of castles and cathedrals.

To breathe the same air as Royalty.
To feel the ground beneath the bard’s feet
Going thereon to Stratsford- upon Avon.
To see the resting place of legends,
Poet’s corner in Westminster Abbey,
Where Newton, Darwin and Chaucer lay.
Feel the prehistoric wonder of the world,
Like Tess lying at Stonehenge.

The currents of Thames to keep me company,
And Big Ben the silent witness,
Trafalgar square, the throbbing heart,
the buzz of Bath,
the post –modern London Eye
impact me to give one of the seats,
to make me a woman of letters
and to expert from the natives,
to dot the I’s and cross the T’s.

Images courtesy- Google images

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